L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge ~Back to School!

Welcome to the LEarning Never Stops Photo Challenge. This week we are exploring

~Back to School! 

What are your favorite moments of this season?  What are your memories of this season?  What does Back to School look like where you live?

Linky will be open until 10 pm pacific time, Monday night.  Two winners will be chosen/displayed on Tuesday night.

please link to your main blog page, photo sharing sites are welcome. Try to visit around, leave comments and be neighborly :)

can't wait to see your photos, link up!

L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge- Pattern ~Winners!

Thank you, everyone for linking up with us this week, I enjoyed seeing your entries :) Here are the two picks for this challenge:

1) Janet Rose

I have a soft spot for moose, and I love simple line-designs.  This is a fun photo :)

2) Serving from Home

I love the pattern on the table-cloth, the colors and the pattern of the number tiles.  There is so much going on in this shot!


Thank you for playing!  I hope you will link up with us next week when we celebrate

Back to School !


L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge *Pattern

Welcome to the LEarning Never Stops Photo Challenge. Today's challenge is


Please link up your entry page, not your main blog page.  Linky will remain open till 10 pm pacific time, Monday.  Two winners will be displayed/chosen on Tuesday night.  Please be neighborly and visit around, leave friendly comments (we all love comment luv!)

can't wait to see what you come up with!

L.E.N.S. winners- {Live} in the moment

So glad you joined us for the LEarning Never Stops Photo Challenge!  Here are the two photos that grabbed me this week: 1) Homeschool Girls

This photo is full of sweet laughter, sweet youth, and magical willow dust. Lovely moment :)

2) Janet Rose


So much that I love about this photo.  I love the shades of pink and reds. I love the different perspective, and I love the anticipation of the catch.  Great photo!  It was not our only fishing entry, either! (great minds think alike!)

I am so glad you joined up with us!  I hope you will join us this Saturday when the challenge will be:


L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge {Live} in the moment

Welcome to the LEarning Never Stops Photo Challenge.  This week, we are exploring what it looks like to

{Live} in the moment

Link you your entry post, not your main blog page.  Photo sharing sites are welcome.  Please visit around and be neighborly :)

Linky will close 10 pm pacific time Monday. Two winners will be chosen and displayed here on Tuesday night.

L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge ~Summer {end} Winners!

Thank you for linking up with us this week!  Um, sorry the winners are posted a day late, I got caught up in family fun, beach day, homeschool, etc... The two photos that jumped out at me this week are:

1) Ten Kids and a Dog

I love the sun flare captured here, and just the perfect ending of a perfect day pictured here.


2) Seven Steps Up

This photo was a fun try with optical illusion.  I love how whimsical it is.

Thank you everyone for playing!  I hope you will return on Saturday, when the theme will be:

~live in the moment


L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge: Summer {End}

So glad you are joining us for the

Summer {End}

edition of the LEarning Never Stops Photo Challenge!

Linky will be open until 10pm pacific time on Monday.  2 Winners will be chosen/displayed on Tuesday night. Photo sharing accounts are welcome. Please link up to your entry page, not your main blog page, and try to visit 'round, leave comments and be neighborly :)

Show us your photography prowess and say goodbye to Summer ;)

strange pet tricks 2

I took Emma the Wonder-Labradoodle in for a very over-due grooming session.  Known around these parts as her "day of beauty". {whisper} I'm still waiting for my whole "day of beauty"...

 When I pick Emma up at the groomers, I am never quite sure what I will be returning with:

Here is the before:  Emma the Wonder-Labradoodle as Labradoodle.

The very first time I arrived to claim this run-way beauty, I was quite stunned...

Unfortunately, we let her grooming session lapse a few months, she was very overdue and had some matted areas. I was a bit taken back to pick this up:

and that friends, is a strange pet trick!

Happy Wordless (or word-ful) Wednesday!!