Brighton Park {sponsor luv}

~Sponsored content

Here's a shout-out to returning sponsor {Brighton Park}, which has a new look!  I must be a blog-geek, because I notice new designs right away...

Brighton Park is all about inspired living for homemakers and homeschoolers.  Katie has a little bit of everything going on at her blog, and it is all pretty inspiring.  She was recently featured on and Hobby Farm Magazine.

Katie is a homemaker, yoga teacher, homeschooler, mom to a special needs child, vegan, artful - she is an interesting person and this all spills out onto her blog.  You can read about homesteading, cooking, crafting with your kids, homeschooling and other interesting things she has going on.

Click on over for a good read, and thank you, Katie for being a sponsor this month :)

Medieval Times Partners In Education Program

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Did you know that Medieval Times has an educational program?  I didn't either, until we were invited to attend a matinee show along with other schools.

Medieval Times has an educational area on their website here *Medieval Times Partners In Education where  you can read about different aspects of Medieval life and printout pdfs for classroom use.  Schools and homeschools can plan a Medieval Times field-trip to complement their study on the Medieval Ages.

The Matinee program consisted of time to view the torture museum, the horse stables and the gift shop before the show.  We were then treated to a tournament show, interesting educational information on the role of women in the castle, the training of apprentices, the horses used in the show, and a yummy lunch.


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I don't know if Josie or Demi-Sky loved the jousting more.  Josie was definitely a fan of all the sword-play.  She was of the opinion that a great plot-surprise would be a girl as disguised knight.  I have to say that I agree.

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We all know which parts were Meg's favorite, right?  Answer:  all the parts with horses in them :)

The show breeds and trains beautiful Andalusian horses.  {sigh}  I used to be a horse-crazy girl like Meg.  These horses captivated me.

**Homeschool-Mom-Nerd-Moment*** raise your hand if you remember a book about this breed used in a Sonlight Core?

Bueller?  Bueller?

These horses are just beautiful, and are trained in the art of dressage and dance.

Art in motion. No hyperbole.

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Meg just stood, looked and inhaled.  She has applied for a job as a stable-hand here, but didn't get the call.  Could you imagine the scene in the house if she got the call?  Seriously, she would have mucked out all the stalls for free that day, and missed the show even, just to stand in the stalls and inhale the horsey-scent.  Yes, she is that horse-addled.

all in all, it was a great day!  The show was fantastic, the educational parts went well with the story of the show, the food was great...and we got a chocolate chip cookie!  A great day, indeed  :)

*Disclosure: I was compensated by Medieval Times with entry to the show in order to do my review of the program. My opinions and experiences are entirely my own.

Circle of Moms video series: The Mom that Does it All

Sponsored~ I think that my role of homeschool mom pretty much lines me up as a mom who likes to be in charge of all the little details.  This also lines me up to be a mom that puts pressure on herself to do it all.  This age of social media, which I have embraced, also piles on a lot of expectation and comparison.  I love my pinterest boards; in one way, they make my life much easier by being a place I can bookmark ideas and recipes- but I fear that pinterest also sets up a lot unrealistic expectations on moms.

This Circle of Moms video series in partnership with Kia deals with this high pressure we moms seem to place on ourselves. I liked that this  latest video segment with Tia Mowry and other mom friends was upbeat and helpful.  I liked that Tia said that she reminds herself to "take an hour at a time" and that "not everything is going to be perfect, and that's okay".  The moms touched on the role of social media and the pressure to compare.

Okay, I had two spots that jumped out at me during the latest video from Circle of Moms by POPSUGAR -the first high-spot was the discussion on teaching a child to ride a bike>>filmed in the all New 2014 Kia Sorento -this caught my interest because my last van was a Kia Sorento but was several years old, I was interested to see how it has changed...and I could not tear my eyes away from the double sun roofs in the segment.  I heart sunroofs!  My current ride- which is used, has a sunroof and I really believe it has helped with my depression- having that natural sunlight on me daily as I do errands.   So...sunroofs (plural) ~I was mesmerized.  I also liked the ending segment on showing other moms gratitude.  The moms offered several ideas on how to simply show another mom how much you appreciate them.  We could all use a little appreciation these days, yes?

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Kia through their partnership with Circle of Moms. While I was compensated to review the Kia Motors video and write a review, all opinions are my own

Brighton Park Blog -a visual treat for the thinking mom

Welcome back,  {Home} sponsor Brighton Park!  I'd like to re-introduce you to this lovely blog.  Katie; homeschool mom, speech language pathologist, yogi and all around inspirational mom is the author of a truly wonderful blog.  She has so much going on there, from Waldorf Wednesdays, to literary link-up, to Music Monday- a feast of helpful content. Click over to read about planning a themed birthday party with heart, how to choose a piano or how to make a fairy garden.  Right now, Katie is co-hosting a big cookbook giveaway. Thank you Katie, for being a sponsor this month. <3

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{Home} sponsor-Brighton Park

Welcome to new sponsor: Brighton Park

Katie writes at Brighton Park blog and has been homeschooling for 5 years.  She has 5 kids under the age of 12; two with special needs.  Katie is a Waldorf inspired homeschooler.  In her own words Katie describes herself as;

Inspired Homeschooler, Artful homemaker, backyard chicken keeper, Happy Homesteader, and Jane Austen lover. Speech Language pathologist, soon to be yoga teacher, and Jesus lover.

Her blog has a little bit of everything, homeschooling, homesteading, homemaking, check out her free theme units and her recipes. Under her homemaking page is indexed linkys of all the recipes and tutorials - she has some wonderful informative content to share!


Katie has experience as a pediatric speech language pathologist for 17 years. She says "I believe anyone can be successful homeschooling and every child has the potential to learn."  She is working on her second Master's degree (in History) and her Yoga teacher certification, besides homeschooling her five, being wife and mother and sharing on her blog.  I'll just say what you are thinking... wow!  I wish I lived near Katie, I can tell she is a kindred spirit.  I am happy to welcome her as a sponsor this month at {Home} is Where You Start From.  Stop by and say "hi" for me :)