just some lines about what life is like these days...
I've been side-lined by pretty deep depression. I've mentioned before that it runs in my family. This episode is why the blog has been neglected as of late. I thought about writing my thoughts about depression, but then, what can I add, really? Depression is sadness, often without a real reason, and it sucks, and I don't know how to fix it. I can't really get more profound than that. A loved one was concerned that I hadn't managed to turn it around, like I eventually do...and he gently prodded me to come up for air, and added these sage words "you need to snap out of it". I was mad for a split second, the wide-eyed - mouth-falling open-mad/shocked - I thought after all these years he would "get" it a bit more about the helplessness of depression. But then, I remembered that it is so foreign to his even-keeled nature and that he was trying to help. I took a minute to get un-mad and then asked him, "if a reminder to "snap out of it" was all it really took, don't you think some corporation would have packaged it all up neat and pithy and would be selling it for a mint?" He seemed to get my point.
okay, so no profound, deep thoughts on depression. But, I think this is what depression sounds/feels like:
Homeschool is back in full-swing. Today, Sky dropped off Josie at school, I worked-out with P90x - kempo. Demi and Amie had piano lessons. Demi worked on Aleks math and then had his online Latin class. The class is through the Biola Star program and they are using The Latin Road to English Grammar. Amie did her Aleks math while Demi had his class and then she worked on History. We started using Veritas Press self-paced online course this Summer. We are finishing up Explorers to 1850. After Latin class, I took them to their art lesson.
Meg has been really sick with a bad cold, she slept in and skipped work (horse care) and her Biology lab at college, but then got up and went to her Biology lecture.
We returned from art and I read aloud to Demi and Amie. We are reading Rainbow Valley (Anne of Green Gables, No. 7)
by L.M. Montgomery. I wanted to read Rilla of Ingleside with them because of how wonderfully it shows the impact of World War II on the families left behind, but then I thought the book would have more pull on them if they felt like they knew the main characters first as children. I love sharing this book with them, The Anne of Green Gables series is such a treasure. I try to read all 8 books every year or so. (yes there are 8 in the Anne series). After reading two chapters, Demi worked on Science and I sat with Amie and worked on Math Mammoth with her. Once we were done, I took Amie to her parkour classes. Demi was free to practice his piano and work on his short story.

we stayed for two classes today, usually I need to leave to go pick up Josie from school, but Sky picked her up today. On the way home from parkour, I stopped and picked up some broccoli for dinner. Amie worked on her creative writing story while I made dinner.
I made broiled pork chops, rice, broccoli and Hawaiian sweet rolls for dinner. I have to tell you that I recently re-discovered broiling and have decided that it is the procrastinator's magic answer! At our last house, the broiler on the oven did not work, and so I learned to live without it. When we bought this house, the oven did not have a broiler drawer and I assumed it did not have one. I kind of think now, after buying a brand new oven, that the old oven was probably like my new one and the main oven worked on broiler mode...kind of a slap your forehead moment... and so, I tried broiling some pork chops one day, and wow! it was like 9 minutes on each side! A very quick dinner for the procrastinator mom who doesn't think about dinner until it is dinner-time...

Our wonderful neighbors are very serious about their garden, plants and trees (one of their sons is a botanist). They hire a real arborist to trim their trees. Sky is pretty friendly with the arborist -no he doesn't trim our trees, can't afford it, we just muddle through it ourselves... -and the arborist invited Sky to come to his house and take any firewood we want.
I love, love, love sitting by our fireplace in our dining room. This unexpected gift is really, really appreciated. :)
Sky and I have started watching Duck Dynasty, it is pretty entertaining and kind of in a category all its own. I have to admit I cried when we watched the grandparents re-new their wedding vows.

bonus photo of evil-kitty a.k.a. Oliver. He plunks himself right down in the middle of whatever homeschool or homework we are doing. On this day, he was very into the fish screensaver Amie found.
hope your week is moving along swimmingly, bloggy friends :)