So, How long does it take an un-organized person to get ready for the new homeschool year? Umm....Sky snapped this photo of me yesterday. I am finally boxing up the Sonlight Cores we have used and making room on my shelves for this year's books. Sadly, there is more in that closet there, but I don't know when I will get to it!
So, instead of organizing, we've had several days of this...
because back -to -homeschool is better served along with back-to-beach-homeschool :)
The beach is so much more empty and pleasant now that everyone else is back to school...We plan to visit as much as possible while the weather is nice.
Emma the Wonder-labradoodle hurt her foot recently. She wasn't putting weight on it, so a trip to the vet was in order. They took some x-rays...including this body x-ray. It was very interesting and nice to know there weren't any way-ward socks or toys inside always made me nervous that she loved my fluffy bed-socks so much!
No breaks, just a badly bruised foot pad. She is back to her normal self now.
I am excited to jump back into homeschool, having a Monday off was very nice, now I'm ready to hit the street running!
What's new at your place? How was back to school?