Trader Joe's ~ a list

We are unlucky in that our closest Trader Joe's is about 10 miles by freeway from our house.

We are very lucky we have a Trader Joe's as close as 10 miles from our house!

eh, some days it's the former or the latter...

I love Trader Joe's...but I only get there maybe once a month.  When I do go, I try to stock up on our must-haves.

Trader Joe's I love you!

Things I have to take home with me from Trader Joe's,  A list:

  • TJ's cinnamon raisin bread.  -do I have to explain?
  • cage free eggs.  I cannot look my hens in the face and then go and buy the regular kind
  • canned artichoke hearts for pizza or pasta or's very versatile...
  • 3 cheese tortellini -it's a simple lunch or dinner.
  • pizza dough and pizza sauce and bag of mozzarella cheese.
  • spicy hummus.  I pick up 2 or 3 and put the extras in the freezer, cuz- a month is a long time to be without hummus!
  • blue chips to eat with your hummus
  • chocolate covered pretzels. I don't have to explain that one, either!
  • green juice.  I use it to make popsicles for the kids :)
  • this apple walks into a bar- breakfast bars...who can resist?
  • goat cheese
  • salsa
  • big lavender bar soap. It's heaven in a bar
  • molasses cookies. They burn your mouth a bit, but who can stop??
  • midnight moo chocolate syrup.  For chocolate milk with no HFCS..imagine that!

So, what are your Trader Joe's favorites?