Sunday night Links!

So much going on in the internet world...are you like me, absorbing so much that you forget half of it?

Here is where I try to share internet awesomeness I discovered, though unfortunately, much of it gets lost before I remember to jot it all down.

Some things of note:

**Headsprout Phonics early reading program discount is ending August 31st.
Click to this page; Headsprout Reading online-early reading program
and enter this code to save 25% HS2010BTS1

-you can click over to see my review; Headsprout Phonics, my other homeschool secret weapon
this is one of my favorite picks for homeschool curriculum. :)

Waiting for Superman- a documentary: this is the trailer, and it had me in tears. Something is very wrong with public school education in D.C. (which is astounding considering how much money is poured into the D.C. educational system, much more than anywhere else in the U.S. - a rant/discussion for another blog post maybe...)

Joyful Abode - check out her recipe index on the right margin, she has some delicious looking healthy food recipes and many for food allergy diet needs. I am going to be trying some of these out.

Parenting For Dummies-the very cool Lollie-mom of 5, gives some not-so-typical back to school tips as part of PFD's Make New ifriend Mondays.

Rubit dog tag clips. Clips that make it easy to move your dog's tags from one collar to the next. Comes in cool colors! I'm thinking they look more sturdy then the flimsy clips I got at the pet store for Emma's i.d. tag...

PeaceLoveMom shirt giveaway over at Getting all my Duck's in a Row. Ends Sept. 8

Avocado fries over at Not just another Jen (love love her blog title!) - I have not tried these yet, but they are for sure on my to do list...