San Juan Capistrano Strike, with teachers still out, here are some resources for parents

San Juan Capistrano school strike-help for parents part II

My first post outlined creative learning activities parents can do with their kids while they are out of school due to the teacher strike. *San Juan Captistrano School Strike, help for parents

Here is a list of helpful online resources for learning at home;

*Starfall phonics - free phonics activities and learning games for pre-readers and beginner readers

*Time4learning -math language arts and more for all ages, this one comes with a monthly fee

*Timez attack- online video game for drilling/learning multiplication facts, this game is very well done, great graphics, and it has a free version that should be all you need.

*Aleks Math- grade 3 and up, aligned to State Standards. Click here*for free 30 day trial, the homepage only gives you a couple of days free trial.

*dreambox learning -math games for grades K-3. We had a free subscription and my 2nd grader loved this program, the games seemed to me to be higher thinking-gifted math problems, not standard math problems. The kids pick an avatar and move around different "lands". Subscription is monthly.

*Enchanted learning -activities and worksheets you can print, and a few online activities, a low year subscription, does have limited free access.

*Kids Art Classroom lesson plans

I have barely scratched the surface with online learning/fun websites,
click over to Fun Websites at Lori's LoLz blog to find many, many more.

If you are ready to seek other educational avenues, a homeschool charter school might be something to consider, a few worth looking into;

Orange County Department of Education's home independent study program, structured, and has learning centers kids can attend some classes at.

charter school using K-12 online curriculum and also traditional materials

not an online program, gives the parent's greater flexibility in choosing materials, subjects and scope & sequence.

In life, the learning never stops, even for parents!