For Today;
Outside my window... it is a clear, dark night. We had a beautiful clear, blue day here. Tomorrow we are supposed to get rain again in the afternoon.
I am thinking... about the things I need to prepare for tomorrow's Classical Conversations class. Also thinking about homeschool prep.
I am thankful for...the blessing of being able to go out on a date-night with Sky- to be able to eat out, even if it is only a burger joint, and the chance to spend a few quiet hours together.
From the learning rooms... Teddy did not come today because he was sick. Meg is still sick. I am counting today as a no-school day, but I still had Josie, Demi and Amie do math. We are playing with a free 30 day trial of Aleks math (it's an online program), so I had the kids spend some time on this today.
From the kitchen...Leftovers! Served up leftover ribs to the kids, Sky made them last night in honor of the Superbowl. There is also a pile of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I made last night.
I am wearing... black pants and a sweater.
I am Playing with my camera and playing a bit with photoshop elements.
I am going... Actually, I am already at Barne's & Nobles after dinner at the hamburger place.
I am reading...
The Trouble with Boys by Peg Tyre
The Awe-Manac: a daily dose of wisdom by Jill Badonsky
I am hoping...that no one else at my house gets sick. That Meg is better by tomorrow.
I am hearing...jazz music playing at the B & N cafe
A thought I am sharing...
"Note to self: Think this- I am compassionate with the shadow aspects of myself. I'm only human but that's better than being a groundhog."
-The Awe-Manac
Around the house...I did some intense homeschool organizing for the week, but then left piles of notebooks around the dining room. Note to self to put it all away... Sky built and painted a storage shed for his woodworking stuff, he finished painting it today. The kids have a permanent village of playmobil stuff in my front room-at least it seems that way.
One of my favorite things... the wire basket I bought on clearance at Pottery Barn to keep our fresh eggs in. I knew it would look perfect, and it does!
A few plans for the rest of the week: CC tomorrow, work on finishing report card for Meg, the usual round of piano/violin lessons, art/fencing lessons and hockey game. I am planning on painting my chalkboard of ultimate power this week in the dining/kitchen area...or at least doing some prep work and begging Sky to do it for me...
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
my new basket, and yes, our hens gave us those eggs!