7 Quick Takes Friday, Feb. 26

7 Quick Takes Friday is hosted over at Conversion Diary

I purchased these bird plates I have been wanting, and put them on the shelf Sky made for me, these replaced the 2 sets of leaf plates I had up. I have a problem with decorating with plates. I can't stop. I probably have enough...but I can't stop!
in other news.. Spring is coming!


we made crystal snowflakes using borax soap for science. Very cool project, post coming soon...


My uber-cool camera bag arrived. If it was red, I would marry it. It's brown.


My baby is now 8 years old. We haven't had her party yet, because I typically can't get it together before-hand...next week will be the party...

Josie finished up her beginner's fencing class, and will be moving up to the intermediate sabre class. It meets twice a week.
somebody help me!...


My new crush is Edutopia Magazine. I picked up the February issue today at the bookstore, and read several wonderful articles. It's a public schooling magazine, but several articles inspired me to think in different directions with our homeschool. I think I will subscribe...


My chalkboard wall of ultimate power is up! I used it today, bliss! As of now, the two items left on the board are 1. reading with Amie and 2. laundry (groan)...