Daybook, Monday November 9

FOR TODAY... from Jenny's Daybook

Outside my window... I see a bright fall day, leaves are slowly falling from the trees one at a time.

I am thinking... of the endless must do list in my head...I really need to get it all down in one central spot, someday!

I am thankful for... my warm house

I am wearing... jeans, a red sweater and rainbow socks with mary janes.

I am remembering... the sound of my 'adopted' grandfather's voice, I get to hear him once in a while on our church's podcasts. He was on this morning, he died two years ago.

I am going... to Meg's violin lesson, to the pet store and to take Amie to buy a notebook-her heart is yearning over having a special one all of a sudden. Oh, and date night!! :)

I am reading... Colossians

I am hoping... my sinus headaches will go away

On my mind...classical group classes for tomorrow, need to prep

From the learning rooms...the dining table is a mess of books, a good sign that we learned something today

Noticing that...even though my house was clean yesterday, it is a mess today! What happened?

Pondering these words...

"We do certain things or refrain from doing certain things not merely because we love the Lord, but because we are living Him." -Witness Less, Life Study of Colossians message 41

From the kitchen...making pumpkin bread, yum! It says, 'fall is here'!

Around the house...Amie and friends are playing playmobil in the front room, Demi is skating in the house.

One of my favorite things~ pumpkin bread with almonds in it, not walnuts

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