Wednesday was a not-back-to-school-
Disneyland homeschool-day of un-official sorts.
Homeschoolers sported tie-dyed shirts so we could spot each-other, and there was a big group photo. (I'll post it as soon as I have a copy).
My sister-in-law and her boys joined us for a day of fun at the parks. Boy did we do a lot of walking!
The little kids were in the Jedi-training show, they were so excited and are still talking about it.
Amie and Demi-Sky hung their certificates up in their cute is that?
It is a darling, exciting show...did I just use those two words together??
she let him live, this time...
all in all, a very satisfying day of homeschool.
(I think I am envy-ing my children their childhood...)