This is a story about a dear friend. This is a story about how my dear friend is moving away, and I can't wrap my head around how much I am going to miss her. This is a story about how all my heart-friends up and move away and leave me lonely, desolate and crying into my bagel sandwich; ALONE
My friend Starlene is an exceptional friend- more like a sister to me, really. And she had to leave me in an exceptional way....move to another COUNTRY, no less.
She is known as Gracefulmom in other spots on my blog, and I first met her years and years ago when Meg was in kindergarten. (Can you believe it has been that long, Starlene?? Can you believe I have an 8th grader this year??) She was the educational specialist assigned to me when we signed up with the charter school we homeschool through.
She watched me through a 4th pregnancy, and I watched her through her 2nd. She watched me struggle with this thing called homeschooling, and then, when her oldest became school-aged, she joined me in this madness- becoming not only my educational mentor but fellow homeschool mom in the trenches as we treaded the textbook/unschooling/eclectic/classical to just surviving- home education waters.
She has laughed with me, encouraged me, prayed with me, studied with me, (became my neighbor and took a dance class with I the Lucy to her Ethel, or is she Lucy??)...but mostly just hung out with me. Which is surprisingly very therapeutic in the midst of this busy/crazy life.
She is moving to Singapore. Can you believe it? I surely cannot. I think I am still in denial that it is actually happening. I saw her today, for the last time in probably a few years. I didn't cry. I almost cried, but I didn't. I like to do my crying at night. With my feather pillow. So there.
Sometime in the past two years or so.. we began the weekly institution of
We would drop our perspective children off at the learning center on Wednesdays, and then meet at the bagel shop for really incredibly good egg/cheese/bacon -bagel sandwiches.
And for talk. And for friendship. And for Curricula lust.
Starlene has started a blog to chronicle her family's gigantic adventure. (finally, someone I know is blogging too! yeah!!)
It's called,
From California to Singapore - aptly enough.
My suggestion of "and with this, you get egg-rolls" was a close second, she assured me. or maybe not. Go on over and say hi for me.
And then tell her for me....
"It's bagel Wednesday! Where are you?!!"