I'm the mother of a teenager

It's official, I am now the mother of a teen-age daughter- Meg just celebrated her 13th birthday.

Here is the birthday girl....

Here is the water-balloon toss Sky was organizing in the backyard...

In the midst of the game, the sprinklers unexpectedly came on! Screaming and running commenced. I was too busy running to capture any good photos....I did catch this one though.

Order and dryness restored. Parents watching safely from the sidelines...we added up the risks and decided the patio would be the safest spot.

had to add this one in for cuteness factor...isn't she sweet?
She's our neighbor. The little boy is one of our nephews.

I think the summer birthday party season has begun, we went to one on Sunday and have one this coming weekend to go to.


at least my house is clean now.