Absolution...Resolution...something like that

I know the whole New Year's resolution is just so cliche'- Yet, there is something I really like about a brand new year, a clean slate, a new beginning, resolve. I am going to keep my list short, I've learned with time that the more you try to put on your list, the more likely you are to fail. I've also learned to keep my resolutions short. Here they are

I resolve:

To break my 7 -year fast of brown sugar and cinnamon pop tarts.

To start eating more health consciously and to start taking vitamins- starting this Tuesday
(less diet coke, more cranberry water, fish oil, less sugar...)

To go out with a bang before this Tuesday, hence the box of pop tarts and the chips and melted cheese I have eaten for almost every meal this weekend. And the candy cane jo-jo's brownies.

To begin my yoga practice again. (I bought this dvd yesterday- whoo-hoo!)
And to up my walking program.

To spend more time with the Lord, reading his word and praying. Specifically, to start my morning this way..I hate mornings-not just catching some reading randomly during the day and praying while I fall asleep at night....

To finish the 2 teaching company courses I have, before ordering anymore. I have one on St. Augustine, and one on C.S. Lewis.

To be more organized with my homeschooling (vague, I know, but I am still thinking the hows out in my head)

So, I 'll let you know how it all goes...how about you? Any resolutions out there you want to share?

As for the pop tarts...I banned them years ago because I ate them for most breakfasts, and often for a snack, with a diet coke of course. I am a comfort/habit sort of eater- these things are just really really bad for me so I decided to never buy them.

My big diet/food changes happen this week,
as Sky observed..."you're going out with a bang, I see!" and then when my howl of dismay erupted on discovering my new box of pop tarts was already expired, he inquired if the universe was trying to tell me something.
um, screw the universe...I ate them anyways. Those things never really expire.

Pop tart anyone?