1. walking into the ICU room this morning expecting to see my stepfather in bed, with lots of tubes and possibly a breathing tube still in....I walked in to find him sitting up in a chair eating breakfast! (this after a triple heart bypass Wed. morning, Dec. 26th)
2. a houseful of young people playing a rousing game of fooz ball, late at night after the bible conference.
3. Demi-Sky's expectant question after being told I was back from the hospital after visiting Grandpa there..."oh good, does mom have our new baby brother?" !!!!!
4. The beautiful blue and pink sky today at sunset
5. My latest Jane Austin reading run....of course we all think Col. Brandon deserved to marry Marianne in the end, and of course "Persuasion" had to have a happy ending...and wasn't Mrs. Norris so very dreadful in "Mansfield Park" and of course J.K. Rowling named the cat after her...at least that is what I always thought.
6. Toasted Marshmellow mocha latte at Barne & Nobles
7. Calendars are 50 % off at Barnes & Nobles and I found a desk calendar of Eats, shoots and leaves!!
8. Bread sticks at Pat and Oscars and my grandmother's fudge (but not at the same time!)
9. Hanging with family this holiday season
10. Hosting friends for the winter training (Bible conference)