gift giving ideas for little ones

Tonight at Barnes & Nobles I stumbled upon these two cute gift ideas. The board book, titled "Gallop!" is really amazing. The graphics, such as the one on the front cover- move much like flip-book type animation, or like old-time filming. Cute text to go with the graphics, any toddler or preschooler would be entranced, I'm thinking. I purchased it with one of my nephews in mind...getting a head start on my holiday shopping. The stuffed caterpillar from "The hungry caterpillar" fame is for my new niece. It's really, really soft.

Speaking of Barnes & Nobles, the roasted marshmellow mocha drink-thingy is very addicting. And good for you, full of calcium, of course.... And, I am a little put out that you cannot buy it at Starbucks. Just saying.

Sky spent the day painting the new bathroom. -apparently the wrong colors. We head back to home depot tomorrow morning and try again.

I recently finished "19 Minutes", "By bread alone" and "size 14 is not fat, either"...yes, I've been on a fiction run. Book reviews coming soon. -"By bread alone" is worth the read just for the sourdough bread recipe and instructions included at the end...besides being an enjoyable read, and besides being by the author of one of my favorite books, "Blessed are the cheesemakers"- (my review *here*).

I am also working on "Confessions" by St. Augustine -(working on a teaching co. lecture series on St. Augstine), and "Lies my teacher told me"...nonfiction just seems to take me longer to get through...

Is anyone else alarmed at how early all the holiday stuff came out? I saw a tree lot set up last week, no trees yet, but still... Sky told me today that he read about stores trying to move the day after thanksgiving sale up to thanksgiving day! ...that's just crazy-talk, people!! So, do you think the stores will try it? Do you think many shoppers would show up?

rambling thoughts for a rambling sort of was your week?