Saturday morning orchestra concert

Saturday was the last performance of the year for the Prelude Strings Orchestra. This was Meg's first year performing in the orchestra, and it was a really good year for her-musically. Pictured are: **Meg before the concert. **Guest conductor Richard Meyer with the orchestra. (Meg is seated bottom right)

Mr. Meyer wrote the piece "Do-Si-Do" performed that day, he was so kind to come to one of the rehearsals and work with the kids to prepare them for the concert, and to conduct the piece on the day of the concert. He was so personable, funny, and it was very interesting to have him explain the music to the audience.

We had a fun time. Sky, I, and the kids attended, along with Sky's mother and grandmother, and my mom, step-dad and grandparents. ( I am a little bit glad I can sleep in on Saturday mornings now!..shh...)