a quick check-in

Hey bloggy friends!  Oh my, boy have I been absent, and-how! So, much going on...where to start?  First up, it is year-end for our homeschooling.  I am finishing up projects with my high schoolers and having last meetings.

I started exercising daily- more than my sporadic walks around the block.  I am trying to gear up to start P90x but felt that I needed to do something first, since I was pretty much starting from couch-potato status.

I'm doing well with it, so far.  I've lost 4 lbs but seem to be stalled out there.  I really, really hate being on a diet, I just want it to be over quick so I can go back to gluttony.  Gluttony involving breads, chocolate and bagels preferred....


where was I??

Ahem.  I went to a photography class last weekend.  Finally, someone took physical hold of my nikon and showed me how to find all the menus on it and how to change all the settings!  Insert rolling smiley face here>>

I went to the Great Homeschool Convention in Long Beach tonight.  I've been so busy I was only able to get there for an evening session.  I will be there tomorrow, too.

It has been something like 9 years since I last attended a homeschool convention (stuff for a later post) -and I am so excited to be at this one.  I forgot how much I love to hold new curriculum in my hot little hands!  I spent some time visiting the My Father's World booth, looking over their high school courses and chatting with the nice ladies there.  Oh, somebody please stop me!!!  I just can't give up the great hope of one day finding the ultimate curriculum that I wouldn't need to tweak to death!!

A girl can dream.

I hope you all have a great Memorial weekend, I am looking forward to things slowing down and to getting back into the blogging groove, I miss my blog-friends!

Happy trails, friends!  :)

the interview

I've been tagged by the lovely and mysterious Caffeinated OC Mommy for an interview blog-meme. I'm going to be a good girl and blog this before my A.D.D. brain forgets all about it...

Microphone - B&W


here goes:

1) What is your favorite lipstick color?  Okay, here is the point, on the very 1st question, even! -where Caff might break-up with me. Confession: I don't have a favorite lipstick color!!  I should!  I would!  Um, but I keep forgetting or don't have time to go on the hunt for the perfect color.

I will tell you the color I have been wearing the last few months:  Raspberry Glace by the body shop.  It's a little too dark for me, I look best in a faint blush I think.  This color is close, but a bit too dark.  I put it on and then blot it down a notch.  I am so sorry to disappoint you, Caff!  {hanging my head in shame}

2) Betty? or Veronica?  Neither, my answer is Amy Pond.

3)  What's your best advice for a new blogger? Find your own voice, but don't be afraid to experiment a bit till you find it.  Post often (I fail at this! do as I say, not as I do!)  share the bloggy love and for goodness sake, no automated music or super busy backgrounds that make my eyes burn!

4)  Where's your favorite spot for a date night with the Hubby?  Dinner in Old Town Orange and then Barnes & Nobles

5) Why did you start blogging?  I wanted to share our daily life, specially our homeschool life- with family.  Funny though, I rediscovered a love of writing, made a new love of photography and made many friends online.  (the one family member I really hoped to share with has never read my blog, sadly)

6) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Two places: back to Dublin, Ireland with Sky and anywhere  warm & tropical that has the word "Island" in it, with Sky.

7) Any future goals you'd like to share?  I'd like to learn how to use my camera and kyak with orcas. {I am currently badgering Sky to take me where I can kyak with Orcas...I'll report back}

since this is a meme, I will be tagging a few bloggers whom I would like to know better.  Here are the rules:

1) Post the rules.
2) Tag up to eleven 5 bloggers by posting links to their blogs, and let them know.
3) Create eleven 7 (it's lucky!) questions for the people you’ve tagged.
4) Answer the questions your tagger posed for you.

5)Have fun!

I am tagging-

Julie at Soldier's wife, crazy life

Theresa at Red Oak Lane

Karen at Just Twiddlin

Adrienne at The Mommy Mess

Jenny at Teaching my Baby to Read

ladies, I will email you my questions :)

I'll take random thoughts for $200...

Hey-ya friends!! My life is totally on cruise control right now, I'm a victim of my circumstances- something like that...or maybe not....

  • First up, I have achieved total slacker level in my own photo challenge.  Um, I'll catch up, maybe tomorrow.  The problem, after being sick- it's kind of cold here in Orange County and I like to sit next to the fireplace in the dining room, sitting at the table with my laptop.  Problem is, all my photos and photo editing software are on my desktop in the front living room.  The cold front living room.  I'm kind of disinclined to change my location.
  • Our homeschool plans/curriculum have been in a state of flux.  I am contemplating if I should do a side-by-side comparison of what we started of with and what we actually ended up using....it will make a busy page even more messier though, I am conflicted.  Here's a teaser, I've ditched MTC Grammar for Shurley Grammar. Does the change in educational philosophy just make your head spin?  Honestly, I loved MTC, but the format was a more -read with a child one-on-one and discuss.  In this crazy household, it just kept getting pushed off.  Shurley Grammar has worksheets and I can do the lesson with all 3 kids together.  !worksheets!  [yes, I am forever a worksheet girl]
  • My car theft saga:  Photo evidence here * March photo a day: mom-my-ride Back -story: I now have the nicest car I have ever had. It's a 2004 with a bucket-load of miles on it, but it is fully loaded to the max.  I told Sky it was all over, luxury all the way, from now on, baby!  I had it 2 months maybe- and it got broken into, on our driveway, and the fancy radio/navigation system touch -screen- wonder was stolen.  Top it all off, this was when I was really sick, so I was sick in bed and Sky called home to tell me.  After I got over feeling depressed that I was not destined to have nice things {extreme pity-party in action}  I snapped out of it determined to replace it and move on.  I was also determined on some righteous karma wishful-thinking....

I had it all figured out:  The radio actually didn't work all the time and had lately started shutting off when I tried to use the nav system.  it was starting to do this when I was changing music functions, too.  My great all-consuming hope/dream was that the thieves would go on to sell the radio on craigslist, sell it to a gang-member and then get their tuckus kicked when the gang person realized the radio was broken.

You're a little psyched with me, I can tell!  Karma, got to love it!

Sky returned home from church and I filled him in on my great hope.  He looked at me, a little confused/concerned and said...

"I just prayed for them, they really must need the Lord."  ....okay.... I realized with sudden clarity that it was glaringly obvious which one of us was reading their Bible and which one of us hadn't been...

So okay, I prayed too.  Is it bad that a teeny tiny part of me still kind of likes the whole craigslist scenario??  Don't answer...

  • I am getting a lot of visits to my blog because of a google search for River Song's red shoes.  This makes me a bit giddy.  You can see her shoes in action here *River Song video
  • I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with way less sugar. Brilliant move, the result was the kids left them alone.  Score!  I will share my recipe as soon as I can get it together enough to take nice photos of the cookies.  My name is Jenn and I have a homeschool curriculum habit problem and a picky photography hang-up, I am seeking an appropriate 12 step program. 
  • I actually made three things on my pinterest boards!!  Woot!  I made the crock-pot French dip sandwiches [great but lacking in flavor, must figure out a spice remedy] the pancake apple rings [made them with gluten free pancake mix-they are an awesome snack!] and then tonight the Greek lemon chicken. [Sky thought they were too sour, but he ate the skin, I did not eat the skin and liked them]  I think I need to make a pinterest board titled "pins I've actually done"   Here are my boards - henjenca on pinterest
  • everyone but me it seems, has seen The Hunger Games.  Big pout.  Meg and Josie went with friends on Saturday night.  Sky is going to take me hopefully tomorrow.  He has no real interest in it, but knows I want to see it badly.  He's a good man <3

Hope your week is beautiful, bloggy friends!  :)

March photo-a-day {self-portrait} & {books}

March photo-a-day [days 5 & 6]


Yesterday, I had it planned (in my head) to stage an artsy self-portrait in front of my homeschool bookcase or my reading book-shelves >with my beloved nikon in hand.  Monday turned out to be more busy than usual, and it never happened.  Instead, I offer up this photo I snapped with my iphone while sitting in my van.  This shot tells a lot about me...busy mom sitting in her van on the way to some kid activity.

This is me}}


Day 6 {Books}


ahh, my beloved books!  Here is my personal reading bookcase in all its messy/ topsy-turvy glory.  It is telling that the only neat shelves contain the Grace Livingston Hill books I collect.  My shelves display the things that interest me:  New things to try, perhaps...old favorites I read over and over, books I am done with and need to give away to someone who will love them.

We are a book-loving family :)


**you can find the prompts for March and link up here**

River Song's {red} shoes

Being a girl, I have a thing for beautiful shoes.  However, being the mom of 4 and living on 1 income, I've learned to quietly squash that genetic yearning for luscious footwear.  I only have a few pair, and they are all [must it always come to this??] Sensible/ and purchased on sale.

And then, I saw them:

River Song's deep-red platform heels oh Mary Kate & Ashely! She {River} strode confidently across my wide-screen t.v. in them.  She then taunted me the first few minutes of the episode with them...hanging them casually in the Tardis, carrying them in her hand as she curtsied to the Dr.  There is something about River Song that I admire deeply.  Have I also admitted before to an undying love of red? {see my kitchen remodel post} *here.

You will see the scene that that stole my fabulous-shoe-starved-soul at the beginning of the video....

So, whenever I found myself out amongst the shops, I would look for River Song Red Shoes.  I'd see the platform shape, but the color would always be too crimson.  Or the color would be close, but they would be a felty/ sued material.

Sky finally suggested I google them, and he found this:  Diary of a Renaissance Seamstress which did a great job tracking down look-alikes. ( the originals were over $700 !  I see them on sale now, but still they are out of my range)

I settled for the BCB Generation pumps on sale for $70.

They are on their way!!  I'm kind of giddy.

I'll need a new dress now.

So, is there a girl-item you just had to have?? Spill....

Notes from Home


  • Sometimes it is the little things that make your day. This soap, they had me with the word "chai"
  • those anemia headaches (iron-deficiency) headaches I mention now and again? ...turns out they were migraines.  Turning the page on a new chapter, it seems.  At least there is medicine that works (hopefully) for this.
  • Pinterest continues to be a greatest love=time-suck.  Have you ever actually done anything you've pinned?  I am a step closer, I went out and bought an apple corer and gluten-free pancake mix to make these neat apple rings I have pinned...but, haven't actually made them yet. I'll keep you posted.
  • the reality of homeschooling 5 kids, two of them being highschoolers, the normal busyness of family life and my migraines have really kicked my rear lately...feeling a bit overwhelmed.
  • it rained today here in the OC!  Yay!  It seems like most of our rare rain happens at night. I got to wear my snow boots today (:  I bought them last year in Washington, they make good rain boots, too.
  • currently I have chickent tortilla soup in the crock-pot, and I am about to go mix up some blueberry corn muffins right this minute.
  • Hope your week is off to a happy start! <3

days like these...

well, it's a new year- time to kick it up with new resolve, right?  Back to homeschool, back to eating healthy, time to get my house all clean after having lots of guests.... and....

I'm sick.

Fun times.  I spent Tuesday mostly in bed, and today either sleeping or going to the Dr.'s or getting ready to go to the Dr.'s.  Wednesday's are my "light" days, I'm really put-out that I spent it sleeping. :(

Well, around here, we are trying to get back to normal after having a boat-load of people here for our week-long Bible conference.


Sky bought me a new lens for my birthday.  It is a 35mm 2.0 lens, PW says it is her favorite, I asked for it on her recommend. (because I still don't really know what I am doing, photography-wise...this will be the year I really learn!)  I love my lens, it takes better photos in low-light, but I have to actually use my feet to zoom-in, my only other lens had some zoom to it...it's hard to remember I have to actually move in!  I am hoping it has some wide-lens properties, but so far I haven't noticed.


I totally went off my low-wheat and no-dairy (ok mostly) diet and have suffered my just punishment.  I'm going to go back on the wagon with healthier eating tomorrow.  I am thinking that some of the paleo diet books and websites might have some yummy ideas that would be wheat-free...so I am starting to browse around. Not that I am going to go totally that route, but it has possibilities to widen my food choices. Anybody have some favorite gluten-free or Paleo diet websites/blogs?  Do share~

I Just found this one on pinterest, looks like it will be useful:  Everyday Paleo recipes for life.

Margarete is a blogger I am friendly with, and she has been sharing some of her tried and true gluten-free and diary-free recipes on her blog.  I haven't tried them yet, but I plan on it.  It's nice to find recipes others have already experimented with and refined...

True Blessings Homeschool gluten-free and diary-free recipes 

Here are a few other goodies I have pinned at pinterest:

Apple Nachos from Manifest vegan  um, yes please!  they look easy, too.  I like easy, I'm lazy.

Baby Breakfast Quiches 

Breakfast cookies, no wheat, no eggs, no sugar from Blueberry Girl

not particularly healthy, but I am intrigued... Frozen coconut limeade from Chef in Training


We have not yet managed to get together with my sister's family and my mom & stepdad for a holiday gathering.  Looks like we will make it this weekend.  I was on the phone discussing with sister, when she admitted she hadn't done any shopping for my family. I admitted the same- I've had lots of company and then I've been sick.  Sky has been bugging me to see if we can quit exchanging gifts for Christmas, we have a new budget that budgets everything down to the last $20 and it's a bit of a stretch in December.  Plus, we don't actually celebrate Christmas in our home- the celebrating is done for our family's benefit.  so, we are always a bit conflicted with this.

Soo, I was afraid to broach this with sister, because I think her love language is gifts.  She picks out awesome/individualized gifts for everyone.  Not usually expensive, but always very, very thoughtful and just what the person would love.  I was afraid not exchanging gifts would be a total downer to her, but I took her confession, ran with it and suggested we skip gifts this year.  And... And, she was totally relieved.  She's got 3 little ones now, I'm sure her December budget as well as her time- are stretched thin right now.  We decided that all our kids would be pretty ecstatic with a small gift bag with candy inside...so that is what we are going to do!  Whew.

We do give our kids 3 gifts each around New Year's.  However, the Bible conference moves around a bit and we still had guests, so we will be doing our family New Year's celebration this weekend, my kids are really looking forward to this.

So, how were your holidays?  Good, and full of family and love, I hope.

the homeschool mom and the horrible, bad day

I am not the super classical homeschool mom I'd like to be. But, mostly I manage to keep it all spinning. Mostly.  Thursday was not that day. 1st, let me set this up by saying that something a little bit more heavy then my usual plague of procrastination has hit me.  I'm suspecting it's my anemia.  I honestly sit here with things I have to do, and think..."eh...don't wanna"  and, I don't.  I raise my hand and admit I have a problem with procrastinating, but this feels different.  It's like I can't muster enough feeling to care.  For a while, I was thinking it was depression without the sadness...I just don't know.

I can sum it up and just say that lately, I've just sucked.

Here was my Thursday, in all it's Jenn-worthy moments.

How [not] to be a super homeschool mom.

5:10 a.m.  Sky wakes me up because we have to hit the road by 5:30 to get him to LAX.

5:18 a.m.  I finally emerge from my two-comforter thick /flannel sheet cocoon and face my reality. Upon opening my eyes, an anemia headache hits me.  I swallow 2 advils on the way out.

5:45 a.m.  We hop into my minivan and I attempt to warm it up. I announce to Sky that we are definitely moving to Hawaii. No more 40 degree mornings. Ever.

5:48 a.m.  Sky notices I have no gas. We take his truck instead

6:30  a.m.  drop Sky off at LAX.  I hate this airport. Anemia headache says "hello" I manage to get out of the loop alive and find my way back to the 405 freeway.  I somehow get home, my right eyebrow feels like it is drooping over my eye and I fight the urge to vomit.

7:20 a.m.  make it home. Bonus student will not arrive till 8:15 so I take 2 tylenol, an iron pill and crawl back into my bed. Think about the P.E. worksheet I need to construct, that I should have done on Wednesday but can't think. Must lie down.

8:15 a.m. Teddy arrives. His mom asks me about the p.e. worksheet, but I cannot muster a coherent reply.  Still must vomit, so I crawl back into bed.  The kids amuse themselves till I crawl out again at 9.  I take Meg to her Biola Star classes.

9:30  a.m. headache is gone. I get through Math, handwriting and grammar with the kids. Josie needs help finishing her composition class assignment.  I also have to grade her grammar.

11:30 a.m. make lunch for the kids, read an historical fiction chapter to the kids, take Josie to her Biola start class. I have forgotten about the very important P.E. worksheet I need to do because my charter school teacher needed it Monday. Or was that Tuesday? Or was it really Monday but I figured a day late would be okay? But now it's Thursday....

11:45 anemia headache hits full-force. Was on my way to get gas after dropping off Josie but now must get home or else vomit at gas station.  Having vomited in such places before, I decide I don't like being mistaken for hung-over college girl (I don't drink, but strangely this has happened to me several times-vomiting in public places;- coincidence or cosmic joke? can't decide) realizing that I am now too old to be mistaken for hung-over college girl tips the scale in favor of going home.

12:15  I down two advil, two iron pills and lemonade for better absorption.  And water, because my hands are all prune-y.  It could be anemia headache or dehydration headache, best to cover both bases.  My parents arrive to drop off a present for Sky.  They stay to chat, but leave soon because I am such rotten company.  (It's hard to be pleasant when you want to hurl and your right eyebrow feels like it is falling down your face)  magically my headache disappears 10 minutes after they leave. I feel like a jerk for not being pleasant.  I revel in how much better I now feel.

1:00 remember the p.e. worksheet I need to do. I open word and start working on it using notes from bookstore I took yesterday.

{{Here is the sorry story: the only portfolio sample I was missing at our last learning record meeting was p.e.  I am stymied a bit because I thought I was told I couldn't turn one in for anything the school considers too risky to pay for...my usual boogie boarding at the beach, tennis or -I thought- martial arts will not be accepted.  Last month I turned in a short paragraph about running.  But I thought I was told I couldn't do running again since we did it last time. (I was wrong, by the way).  So, I had a book handy with a chapter on sports safety and warming-up, so last week I typed up a simple worksheet with a word bank for the kids to fill in. Easy.  Monday I could not find them. Kept looking, didn't panic, I lose things all the time....Tuesday I was supposed to give it to Teddy's mom to take to work to scan and email in. Still couldn't find it.  By Tuesday afternoon my afternoon schedule kicks in and all logical thought is lost....  Wednesday is my easy day. Still can't find so I decide to type up a new one. Now I cannot find the book.  I spend 2 hours cleaning, thinking I will find it. Nope.  Get the bright idea to go to Barnes & Nobles and find book there and take notes. I do this, order a nice gingerbread latte, by the way, and take my notes.  I come home, start the evening dinner crazies.  After dinner, I stare at my computer, thinking "I don't wanna..." and then end up reading a book out loud with Amie.  Go to bed.  Loser.}}

1:30  pick up Josie and Meg at Biola, get home and finish up worksheet that is now really late. I am trying to wonder how I will get it to my charter school teacher because my scanner isn't working. I decide I will take a photo of them.  My headache resumes.  I take 3 tylenol, some lemonade, an iron pill, a handful of 60% bitter chocolate chips and pour a diet coke- just to cover all bases.

2:30 must leave for art lessons for 4 youngest.  worksheet is finished and printed, but ran out of time for the kids to fill them in.  While driving, my charter school teacher calls, it goes to voicemail. Did I mention that I had an early email from her that was uncharacteristically curt?....

2:50 have dropped off kids and arrive at bagel shop for my forbidden chocolate chip bagel with strawberry cream cheese.  Decide I have to call charter school teacher back, because I shouldn't make her feel like I am avoiding her. But I kind of want to now. (Avoid her) Decide to call her from inside bagel shop because my hands-free calling thing in my car makes it impossible to actually use my phone inside my car.  I know, I try not to live an ironic life- but I can't escape it.

3:00  I sit down with my lovely bagel and diet coke and decide it is too noisy to call her back.  I decide I will call her back as I am leaving, out in the parking lot.  I reflect that this can turn out badly if she calls first, because then I would really be avoiding her call.  I go the path of least resistance and eat my bagel and read my latest Anne book.

3:05  you know what happens, right?  Busted.  She sounds really ticked at me.  I don't blame her really. But, ouch.  Somehow my rambling explanation of loss, bookstores and typing sounds really lame.  She tells me I can just have the kids draw a picture and write about running or one of their after school classes. Really? Ok.  She's really mad at me.

3:45 pick up kids,  hurry to piano lessons at 4.

in between piano drop-offs, sit the kids down and have them write about Irish dance class, martial arts and modern dance respectively.

I realize my headache seems to be gone for good.  Being on someone's crap-list seems to be a cure. who knew?  maybe it was the adrenaline rush.

that was my stellar day. When homeschool moms go bad....